Business cards: the first line of impression and a potent form of brand building... whether you believe it or not. It all comes down to a few solid points on why you need business cards and how they can benefit you.
The rise and domination of the digital business world over the traditional 'analogue' business world has prompted many people to shy away from printed material in favour of digital ads, social media campaigns and email signatures as a way of sending your contact information and other business particulars to someone. While these forms of digital 'business cards' certainly require attention and use, I'm here to lay out 3 solid reasons you need a business card. I've also included some helpful tips.

1. Business Cards Go With You... Everywhere.
The above digital solutions are great but did you know that not a single one of those can go with you unless you want to keep shoving your mobile device in people's faces. People spend a tremendous and ever increasing amount of time in front of screens so why would they want to look at yours? A business card is a powerful way to leave an impression while being portable and easy to carry, not to mention refreshing and novel.
- Carry at least 5 business cards with you when you are out of the house
- Leave them in places that they might get noticed (high traffic)
- Starbucks, on the coffee cream station
- Chapters, 'dropped' in sections that pertain to your demographic
- Don't be shy, approach people and hand your card to them, smile and be nice
2. Business Cards Are Professional... When Done Right.
It isn't enough to simply have a 3.5" x 2" little piece of paper with your phone number and website URL printed on it. A skillfully designed business card with stellar layout and colour theory is what gets noticed. Your business card is the first line of impression to anyone you give it to and it should not only stand out and scream 'Contact Me!' it should reflect the attitude and brand theme you are striving to embed in the minds of your clients and contacts.
- Invest in business cards, created by people who love to design (like me)
- Have them printed by print houses that have the proper machines to do so (not your home inkjet printer)
- Be bold and open to creative solutions for your card... break the mold to stand out
3. Business Cards Are Cost Effective... When Properly Purchased.
There are countless services that specialize in printing business cards at prices that are cost effective for any budget. a huge advantage of business cards is that the more volume you print, the cheaper they get per unit. The low per-unit-cost allows you to hand them without too much worry about throwing money away. If you think about, finding a single client for your product or service may pay for an entire print run of 250 cards. That pretty a good ratio if the cards cost around $50, which they should for that volume level.
- Most designers have affiliate and print brokerage agreements, ask them about that and how they can get you the lowest possible price for the cards.
- Let your designer handle the card from design to print then finally delivery. You'll avoid spec issues and problems. Let them deal with those, after all, it's what they do.
- In my experience as a designer, I suggest 250 cards as a solid and cost effective investment. Not too many, but too little either.
- Consider having a limited run of event/conference themed business cards made that you can hand out at said functions. IT really makes you stand out and reminds the holder where they met you.
In conclusion, it is my strong recommendation that you have business cards designed for your business, especially as you start out a new venture or project. Now take those cards, get out into the world and hand them out.
- Love what you do and let that feeling reflect in your brand.